The 'Collections' Folios are different from the 'Destinations'. They contain a varied mix of photographs from many locations and experiences. This (2020) rebuild of Portcullis* is the first time I have done more than one 'Folio'  ... never 4 in one rebuild. I am a little surprised at the number of 'Aurora' photographs I have included. Yes, we live in Aurora and yes, we have not been able to 'travel' for several years now, but I had not realized how varied my photography had been, just in Aurora.

  In September of 2009 we made our second visit to les Iles-de-la-madeleine.
We had all kinds of weather. Wind, rain, sunshine, overcast ... you name it, we had it, and that was great. There were lots of photographic opportunities. What you see here is just a sampling of our 7 day feast. Don't worry about how you get here, just come ... and enjoy wonderful hospitality!